First Top-20 B-School Admit!

I made it!! After being wait-listed after interviewing in Round 1, This has been a really long wait. I am so happy! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

As an early career candidate, I was only 22 when I applied! Considering that the average admitted applicant at this school is 28 with 5 years of work experience on average, I knew it was a long shot. So when the admissions director called me, I was on top of the world! πŸ™‚

Really excited, and I still have to hear back from the other school I have been wait-listed at. Waiting for my official admissions packet, fingers crossed for some form of financial aid.

2 thoughts on “First Top-20 B-School Admit!

  1. Hey, how’s it going?
    Firstly, Congratulations on making it to a top school. I can only imagine the joy! I see you’ve decided to keep the school name under wraps, and I respect that. That said this admit is an absolute win. I hope you hear back from the other school saying you made it. πŸ™‚
    Secondly, I apologize for an extremely delayed response to your comment on my blog. I really haven’t blogged in a while. I got waitlisted and then dinged by a top 10 school for a below mean GMAT and below mean work experience. I believe the demographic that I belong to played a vital role in the decision. However, after being slightly broken by the unfavorable decision, I’ve decided to go back, strengthen my candidacy, and come back to a successful application cycle.
    Feel free to send me a private message if you’d like to talk about my experience/share yours with me.
    Good luck!



    1. Hi! Thank you for your kind words πŸ™‚ No problem regarding the delay! I completely understand, I have not been able to blog for a while myself and I apologize for replying super late to this comment. I have not heard back from the other school yet but I received other admissions offers that seem to better align with my background and interests. I have decided to continue blogging and I hope I can help others by sharing my experiences.
      Sorry to hear that things did not work out with the top 10 school. Your profile must be great since the Top 10 are extremely competitive and making it to the wait list is just as hard as getting accepted. I do agree that demographics influence admissions decisions. Hang in there, I’m sure you’ll make it!


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